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April 19, 2011


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Hey Michelle,
Thanks for your accurate response on Project Jatropha blog. It was a very interesting post. You are doing great work at Haiti. I come from a village in India close to where Project Jatropha is implemented. I have not seen the project site as yet. I moved to USA like 21 years ago but still love my village! I am also very impressed with the work of Adarsha et al. I have not met the kids in person but plan on doing so in India at some point of time.

I know for a fact that the rural economy and the mentality of the farmers in villages play a huge role in promoting a biofuel crop such as jatropha. It is all about what the farmers want. Polyculture is the only way to go if at all there is a chance for jatropha cultivation in India. Good luck with all your work! People like you are needed to save the world! I mean it.

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